Football-Programmes.NET - Changing With The Times
When we first built and launched the Football-Programmes.NET website all the way back in 2009, it was very different to what was around at the time. Existing football programme websites were gloomy, mostly pages and pages of
lists of programmes, copied from the old printed books that dealers used to post out before the Internet. Here was a brand new website that had scans of the covers, was (is) easy to navigate and was all shiny and new.
Our site inspired all that followed. Today there are numerous football programme websites, some very good, some not so good, but they all took something from our original design.
Times have moved on again and to remain leaders in this field, have launched our mobile app. Over the past few years we have seen more an more people accessing our site via mobile phones, to a point where now they make up the
bulk of our users. The original design worked on mobile devices, but it was not ideal.
The original design is still there and still functioning as normal, for those preferring to browse via a PC or tablet. It can be found by clicking here.
We hope all of our users will embrace the new website. We still have the largest independently searchable database of football programmes available. At the last count, over 215,000 programmes have been added to the website.
As mentioned elsewhere, this site was conceived, designed, developed and is run by real football supporters. If you have any comments or questions regarding the new design, please send them to: